Zen Shiatsu

Art of Touch Meditation & Abdominal Attunement

瞑想-Touch Meditation for Abdominal Attunement – Basic foundation (12 hours)

Receptive Therapeutic Touch Meditation for All
March 2 & 3, 2024 (6 hours each day)
Taught by Yoshi Nakano (Instructor since 1989)

This nonverbal and non-dualistic touch communication is derived from the metaphysical, mammalian relationship between mothers and their babies. We will explore spiraling universal forces through touch meditation to allow for nature’s grace, growth, expansion, and renewal.

瞑想-Touch Meditation for Abdominal Attunement – In-Depth (12 hours)

Receptive Therapeutic Touch Meditation for all
March 9 & 10, 2024 (6 hours each day) 
Taught by Yoshi Nakano (Instructor since 1989)

This nonverbal and non-dualistic touch communication is derived from the metaphysical, mammalian relationship between mothers and their babies. We will explore the spiraling universal forces through touch meditation to allow for nature’s grace, growth, expansion, and renewal.